
Imagine & Create

What We Do

Software House

u2i is a software house located in Kraków, Poland. This flat-structured, employee-owned software devbeloper develops solution primarily for larger North America-based corporations and media companies, including HSBC, Nielsen, Scholastic, Consumer Reports, and more.

What We Do

Software House

u2i is a software house located in Kraków, Poland. This flat-structured, employee-owned software devbeloper develops solution primarily for larger North America-based corporations and media companies, including HSBC, Nielsen, Scholastic, Consumer Reports, and more.

Ready to Get Started

Our team is always ready to work with exciting and ambitious clients. If you’re ready to start your creative partnership with us, get in touch.

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Let’s have a 20-minute chat – and then if it makes sense, we’ll set up a free workshop for you and your team. The workshop gives you actionable sales ideas you can use now – and lets you check if we are a good fit.